Top 25 Algorithms Every Programmer Should Know

Good knowledge of standard algorithms is equally important as choosing the right data structure. The following is a list of the top 25 algorithms every programmer and computer science student should know.

  1. Binary Search Algorithm
  2. Breadth First Search (BFS) Algorithm
  3. Depth First Search (DFS) Algorithm
  4. Merge Sort Algorithm
  5. Quicksort Algorithm
  6. Kruskal’s Algorithm
  7. Floyd Warshall Algorithm
  8. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  9. Bellman Ford Algorithm
  10. Kadane’s Algorithm
  11. Lee Algorithm
  12. Flood Fill Algorithm
  13. Floyd’s Cycle Detection Algorithm
  14. Union Find Algorithm
  15. Topological Sort Algorithm
  16. KMP Algorithm
  17. Insertion Sort Algorithm
  18. Selection Sort Algorithm
  19. Counting Sort Algorithm
  20. Heap Sort Algorithm
  21. Kahn’s Topological Sort Algorithm
  22. Huffman Coding Compression Algorithm
  23. Quickselect Algorithm
  24. Boyer–Moore Majority Vote Algorithm
  25. Euclid’s Algorithm

Also See:

Top 50 Classic Data Structures Problems

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